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We are a reliable and skilled design team. Our focus is on informative communication: corporate identities, illustrations, publications and webdesign.

We are driven by a simple value: Make the world a better and more sustainable place to live. For everyone.

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Facts we care about

An average of more than a third (35%) of people across the globe expect they and their families will have to leave their homes at some point in the next 25 years because of climate change.
World Economic Forum

Over 70 % of the global CO2 emissions historically can be attributed to just 78 corporate and state producing entities. The Carbon Majors Database: Launch Report April 2024

The Gender Care Gap: On average, women spend 43.8 % more time per day on unpaid care work than men.

For every conversation with ChatGPT, which averages between 20 and 50 questions, half a liter of drinking water is used.
heise online

Microsoft’s water consumption jumped 34 % (to 6.4 million m³) in 2023, while Google saw a 20 % increase.
heise online

There are more people on German boards named Thomas than women.
Wiebke Ankersen and Christian Berg from the AllBright Foundation explain what the Scandinavians are doing differently regarding gender equality.
The preservation of biodiversity is an essential precondition for food security.
SEEK Development LinkedIn
The Islamic Republic has executed at least 26 people since the beginning of 2023. The Iran Human Rights organization even speaks of 29 deaths. Source: National Council of Resistance Iran, Iran Human Rights HÁWAR.help LinkedIn
On September 1, 2022, on the boards of 160 German listed companies: 599 men and 99 women.
AllBright-Stiftung, Kampf um die besten Köpfe. Die Konkurrenz um Vorständinnen nimmt zu, 2022, page 16.
»Das Zweite Führungspositionen-Gesetz wirkt! Dieses Gesetz regelt, dass die Vorstände der börsennotierten und paritätisch mitbestimmten Unternehmen mit mehr als drei Personen eine Frau ins Team holen müssen.«
Lisa Paus in: AllBright-Stiftung, Kampf um die besten Köpfe. Die Konkurrenz um Vorständinnen nimmt zu, 2022, page 15.
»Regardless of unfavorable conditions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, we can say that climate change doesn’t wait for us. We must act now.«
Hochbahn CEO Henrik Falk in: Mobility Institute Berlin, Visions for Urban Mobility. A strategic guide for mobility transformation, Berlin 2021, page 35.
Visualization is a powerful tool for reducing complexity.
Mobility Institute Berlin, Visions for Urban Mobility. A strategic guide for mobility transformation, Berlin 2021, page 28.
The transformation to sustainable mobility […] is necessary for combating climate change […]. At the same time, it offers the opportunity to reclaim urban public space for people and thereby make cities more livable.
Mobility Institute Berlin, Visions for Urban Mobility. A strategic guide for mobility transformation, Berlin 2021, page 3.

Safety in vehicles has been tested on crash test dummies that have measurements and weight of average male bodies. […] If a woman is involved in a car accident, her risk of serious injury is 47 % higher than that of a man, and the risk of moderate injury is 71 % higher.
Women in Mobility, Female Mobility 10 Facts

Inequity in terms of jobs and careers comes in many forms. One example is the so-called #GenderPayGap. On average, women in Germany still earn 18 % less than men for the same job. Less well known is the #ClassPayGap. It describes how working-class children earn less than academic children for the same job.
Netzwerk Chancen LinkedIn

Roughly 15 % to 20 % of working photojournalists are women. To achieve equal representation, a world in which we don’t view most news photos through men’s eyes, requires that we hire more women and nonbinary photographers.
Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Silence and Omissions. A media guide for covering gender-based violence, New Brunswick 2021, page 50.

One in three women will experience physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner at some point in her life.
Center for Women’s Global Leadership, Silence and Omissions. A media guide for covering gender-based violence, New Brunswick 2021, page 217.

We need holistic policy-making […]. For example, Europe is still exporting pesticides that are banned in the EU to many other countries outside of the EU.
SEEK Development LinkedIn