
Our teachings

Talk series »Let’s design the world a better place«

We live in exciting times for design. More and more designers are taking responsibility, and are joining forces to raise awareness on sustainability, accessibility, inclusiveness, equality, and many other socially important topics. We want to contribute to this discourse, and share our experience to raise awareness of the power of graphic design but not only. We as designers are guardians of translating content into a visual product. We have an educational purpose, and we are not merely execution tools.

This is why we started a series of talks. The kick-off event »Let’s design the world a better place Vol. 01: About Women’s Human Rights« took place in December 2022. You can download the presentation here. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, it’s our favorite thing to talk about!

PAGE Webinar & Workshop »Infographics digital«

Alberto regularly leads the PAGE format »Infographics digital: visual storytelling and data visualization — workflows & cases« as an expert for infographics, explanatory movies, and interactive applications.

The two-day PAGE webinar in partnership with Sapera Studios is aimed at all designers who need a comprehensive introduction to contemporary digital visual storytelling. It provides a basic understanding of what makes a great infographic and how to achieve a convincing result step by step in interdisciplinary teams. Participants receive recommendations and suggestions for designing and implementing digital infographics and data visualizations.

SRH Berlin School of Design and Communication

In the winter semester of 2022, we started teaching at SRH BSDC. We enjoy passing on our iterative approach to work with analog roots and a strong ethical drive to young talents. We lead classes in the bachelor’s as well as in the master’s programs. The starting point was »Graphic Design I« and added up with the courses »Graphic Design II« and »Printed Matters«.

We love knowledge sharing! Hit us up for a personalized workshop or exchange.